I have recently designed a loads of new headers for my blog but i couldn't decide which one i liked best so...please can you decide for me??Can you vote to decide which one i should put as a header for my blog just leave a comment with the number of which one you want...
Thanks and please leave a comment with the number...
The number 1 is fancy and refreshing : a real aesthetic pleasure, with a subtle and structured association of pleasant colours.
Cordially, Antoine.
Go with the first one!!
I really like #5. Maybe you could change the font and placement of the text a bit though for an update.
Best of luck.
i've always wondered why you spell weird wrong? is it on purpose?
« Londinium »? There are so many lost and brave word-worlds in the past!
i actually really like the one you have right now, but if there must be a change you should go with 3.
The one you have now is cool, but if you REALLY want a change, go with 1. Its so cute.
no i didn't realise i was spelling it wrong!!! haha i am so crap at spelling
The last one.... it leaves a lasting impression in my mind...
number 1. though i like number 5 very much. that oversize pink bow and skirt are just mesmerising.
I like the old 1, number 5 forsure
I really like the one you have now too...
Number one for me
1 or 3 for me! no. 1 is a hit, love it.
I love number one best of all, its quite simple but very eyecatching.
It seems a favourite!
S xx
Number 5 all the way.
Number 5 is the best.
Your blog is soo good
I like 1 or 2 best.... very cool
Number 1, it's exactly Cupcakes for the Wierd and Wonderful :)!
Its hard to decide...i love them all....between 1 or 4...Ok definitely 1....its so cute!!!
#1 stole my heart.
i like #1. and i really like the picture you have of masha on your blog. i loooooooove masha. <3
i say numero cinco, i insist i like number 5 better
4, but maybe change the word style, but I actually really like 5, too.
x sara o
I think you should keep the old one for a bit longer and then switch to No 1. I love you blog...or did I say that already?
blog girl:)
1 all the way!
2! sweet and whimsical like the blog :)
2 is pretty much the coolest thing I have ever seen... where did you find it? did you make it yourself? Other than that, I do love the one you have now.
i kno im a bit late but i honestly thought when the page came up, i love the header :) its really nice
I honestly love the header you have now.But if you want to put aup a new on you should choose #1.
Even though the old one looks good,
I really liked #1 and #2.
god they're all so fabulous, lend me one please? hehe just kidding, i love number one...
I actually really love the one you have right now compared to all the rest! but this might be because i just came across your blog so i haven't tired of it.
just wondering, do you spell weird wrong so that it's wierd?
i love number 1.
1!!!! One!!!
absolutely #1- it's so upbeat and happy!
were are you, i miss your posts! my url changed to: http://thecolorofblushingapples.blogspot.com/
i dont know if you've noticed this... but you've been spelling weird as "wierd" the entire time..
next time spell check
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