This header was by far the winner with 20 votes
This header had 5 votes
This header had 2 votes
This header had 1 vote
And this header had 9 votes
However although 1 is the winner alot of you said you also liked the header i have at the moment and so i will keep this header for another mounth and then in september i will swap it to number 1!
Thank you for being patient with me for the lack of posting
cute blog, we should swap links
Cute election
J'adore your header !
Cool header, it is sumptous and reflects your blog.
I love the header that won, can't wait till it goes up <3
the header that won is amazing. I really love it.
I love the Etsy artist who didn't get so many votes. I keep meaning to by one of his prints but never remember.
I really like the current header as well :)
I love your header! all of them are cute, but the best one it the one you have now.
good choice.
x sara o
HURRA for the one ! that was my favourite one hehe ;)
hope you had great vacations :) how was france ?
I'm glad you are back.
yah really like the header.
glad your back- i love your blog. you should definately post more.
wanna exchange links?
whoot the header I picked won!! lol I'm excited
aw, my fav didn't win, but the winning one's cute!
Nice header =)
I still dunno how to put up a header on blogspot =(
i am truly fond of your header!
very sweet.
it's WEIRD not WIERD. you misspelled it. it's bugging me so much.
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